Airport Authority of India Senior Assistant Vacancies 2012: Airports Authority of India (AAI) has issued notification against recruitment of 6 Senior Assistant vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 10-09-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process and how to apply are given below…

AAI Vacancy details:-
Number of Vacancies: 06
Name of Post: Senior Assistant (Electronics) (NE-6)

Age Limit: Candidates’ age must be below 30 years. Cutoff date for determining age limit would be 10-09-2012. (Age relaxations extended as per Govt. rules).

Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess Diploma in Electronics/Telecommunication/Radio Engineering (3year course) from a recognized institute.

Application Fee Details: General/OBC/EXSM need to pay fee in form of Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank for Rs 100/- in favor of Airports Authority of India payable at Guwahati. SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted from payment of fee.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Written Test and Interview.

How to Apply: Candidates need to apply for the post through prescribed application format available in the notification, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature of Gazetted Officer, and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates and DD to the following address, The Regional Executive Director, Airports Authority Of India, North Eastern Region, LGBI Airport, Guwahati, Assam Pin – 781015 on or before 10-09-2012.

Last Date for Receipt of Application: 10-09-2012

For more details like vacancy distribution, pay scale, reservations and relaxations, other guidelines, instructions and application format, click on the link given below…

Click Here for AAI Recruitment Advt and Application Format


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