Bank of Maharashtra 30 CA Vacancies Recruitment 2012: Bank of Maharashtra has issued notification against recruitment of 30 Chartered Accountant (CA) Vacancies.  Eligible candidates may apply online on or before 21-08-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details, selection process and how to apply are given below…

Bank of Maharashtra Vacancy Details:
Number of Vacancies: 30
Name of Post: Chartered Accountant

Age Limit: Candidates’ age must be between 25 years to 35 years. Cutoff date for determining age limit would be 01-06-2012. (Age relaxations will be extended as per Govt. rules).

Educational Qualification: Candidates must be CAs having work experience of five years and above in Credit Department of Public/Private Sector Bank.

Application Fee Details: Candidates must download the Challan from Bank’s official website attached to the notification and make the payment through CBS at any of the Bank of Maharashtra branches. Amount of fee would be Rs. 300/- for General and OBC candidates and Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates. Name of Account must be BOM Specialist Officers Recruitment Project – 2012-2013, account no. 60103218200, Payee Bank should be Bank of Maharashtra Main Branch Pune and IFSC code should be MAHB0001150. With these details, fee can also be paid by the use of NEFT at any NEFT enable Bank.

Selection Process: Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be shortlisted initially and then those candidates will be called for Personal Interview. Selections will be made on the basis of Interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates need to apply only through Online mode from Bank of Maharashtra website on or before 21-08-2012. After submission of application candidates can take a printout of the system generated on-line application form to be submitted at the time of the interview. The registration number and password generated should also be retained for future reference.

Instructions for Online Application:
1. Log on to and select the ‘Recruitment’ link to start the application process.
2. Select the notification and take print of it and also the challan attached for making payment of fee.
3. Make the payment at the bank or through use of NEFT.
4. Revisit the Bank’s website and this time select Online Application link under Recruitment link.
5. Select the Apply Online link, fill all marked details carefully, check once for errors and click on ‘Submit’ button.
6. Take print of Application Form and retain it for further use along with payment receipt and Registration Number and Password.

Important Dates:
Opening Date for Online Registration: 06-08-2012
Closing Date for Online Registration: 21-08-2012

Last Date for Modification: 23-08-2012
Dates for Making Payment of Application Fee: from 06-08-2012 to 21-08-2012

Last Date for Reprint: 23-08-2012

For more details like challan form, pay scale, reservations, call letter details, interview details, other requirements and other instructions, click on the link given below…

Click Here for Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment Advt & Challan Form

Click Here for Online Application


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