BARC Jobs 2012 - Various Vacancies: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) invites applications for 10 Various Vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply for these posts through prescribed application format on or before 31-10-2012. For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection, how to apply and other details are given below…
BARC Vacancies Details:
Total Number of Vacancies: 10 Posts
Name of the Posts:
1. Medical Officer (Obst. &Gynaecology) – 01 Post
2. Scientist Officer/D – 02 Posts
3. Technical Officer ‘D’ (Chemical – 05 Posts
4. Medical Officer (Orthopedic Surgeon) – 01 Post
5. Medical Officer (Nuclear Medicine) – 01 Post
Total Number of Vacancies: 10 Posts
Name of the Posts:
1. Medical Officer (Obst. &Gynaecology) – 01 Post
2. Scientist Officer/D – 02 Posts
3. Technical Officer ‘D’ (Chemical – 05 Posts
4. Medical Officer (Orthopedic Surgeon) – 01 Post
5. Medical Officer (Nuclear Medicine) – 01 Post
Age Limit: Candidates age limit not more than 40 years.
Educational Qualification: Candidate must possess MD/ Ph.D/ B.E/ B.Tech/ MS/ DNB in relevant disciplines.
Application Fee: Candidate should pay Rs.250/- (SC/S T/ Women/ PWD/ defence people are exempted) through Challan and make the payment in any branch of the SBI Bank. Candidtes download the challan from the website
Selection: Candidate will be selected on the basis of performance in interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply for these posts through prescribed application format given in the notification, fill it with given mandatory details, affix passport size photograph along with photocopies of attested certificates, passport size photograph along with challan form and a self addressed unstamped envelope, the envelope should be super scribed as “Application for the post of ___(along with category number) must be reach to the Deputy Establishment Officer, Recruitment Section-IV, Central Complex, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 so as to reach on or before 31-10-2012.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 31-10-2012
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection, how to apply, application form, challan forms, vacancies and other details are available in the following link,
This is jyothi completed M.Sc Botany iam interested to do job in Forest department.
the particulars data how to apply and what is the syllabus.... & tell me some latest info about the BARC Recruitment 2014. plz inform to my id is and my contact no. 9030391535
This is jyothi completed M.Sc Botany iam interested to do job in Forest department.
the particulars data how to apply and what is the syllabus.... & tell me some latest info about the BARC Recruitment 2014 plz inform to my id is and my contact no. 9030391535