ISRO Recruitment 2012 – Hindi Typist Posts: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has issued recruitment notification for the recruitment of 05 Hindi Typist vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application form on or before 07-11-2012. For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection, how to apply and other details are given below…
ISRO Vacancy Details:
Total Number of Vacancies: 05 Posts
Name of the Post:
1. Hindi Typist – 05 Posts
Total Number of Vacancies: 05 Posts
Name of the Post:
1. Hindi Typist – 05 Posts
Age Limit: Candidate should have 26 years as on 02-11-2012.
Educational Qualification: Candidate must possess Graduation/ Hindi medium qualification, Hindi typing skill and knowledge in use of computers & knowledge in English type writing.
Selection: Selection can be done on the basis of performance in written test/ skill test and interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format given in the notification, fill it with given mandatory details, affix recent passport size photograph on it along with attested copies of certificates/ testimonials with super scribing on the envelope “Application for the post of Hindi Typist” and send to the Sr Administrative Officer (ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore- 560 094 on or before 07-11-2012.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 07-11-2012
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection, how to apply, application form, vacancies and other details are available in the following link…
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