HPPSC Recruitment 2012 – Apply Online for Naib Tehsildar Posts: Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has issued a notification for the recruitment of 09 Naib Tehsildar, Class-II Posts in Himachal Pradesh. The eligible candidates can apply through online mode on or before 17-11-2012. The information about age limit, educational qualification, how to apply, no of posts, selection process and other details of HPPSC Recruitment are mentioned below…
HPPSC Vacancy Details:
Total Number of Posts: 09 Posts
Name of the Post: Naib Tehsildar, Class-II (Gazetted)
Total Number of Posts: 09 Posts
Name of the Post: Naib Tehsildar, Class-II (Gazetted)
Age Limit: Candidate should have between 21-45 years as on 01-01-2012.
Educational Qualification: Candidate must be a Graduate or equivalent and having Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh.
Application Fee: Candidates applying for the posts are required to pay a fee of Rs. 250/- for General candidates and candidates of other states & Rs. 63/- for SC/ST/OBC of H.P. candidates. EXSM of HP are exempted from payment of fee. Fee can be paid in form of challan which can be downloaded from website and the payment must be made at any branch of Punjab National Bank.
Selection Process: Selection shall be made on the basis of Screening Test, Written Test and interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply through online application mode on or before 17-11-2012. After submission of online application candidates must take the printout of applications and retain it to be produced at the time of Screening Test.
Instructions for Online Application:
1. Suitable candidates can apply through online application mode from the website www.hp.gov.in/hppsc
2. Candidates must select New User link in Apply Online link to apply for any post in HPPSC for the first time and if candidate is a new user then select the Registered User link.
3. At the time of applying online candidates must read instructions carefully and fill all the details correctly at the appropriate places.
4. While applying online candidates have to pay application fee after the first stage of submission of Online Application where you can download the challan.
5. Enter all marked details in application form and upload their photograph and signature at the places provided and Submit the Application Online.
6. And take print out of that form for future reference.
1. Suitable candidates can apply through online application mode from the website www.hp.gov.in/hppsc
2. Candidates must select New User link in Apply Online link to apply for any post in HPPSC for the first time and if candidate is a new user then select the Registered User link.
3. At the time of applying online candidates must read instructions carefully and fill all the details correctly at the appropriate places.
4. While applying online candidates have to pay application fee after the first stage of submission of Online Application where you can download the challan.
5. Enter all marked details in application form and upload their photograph and signature at the places provided and Submit the Application Online.
6. And take print out of that form for future reference.
Last Date for Online Submission: 17-11-2012
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection, how to apply, fee details, experience, instructions and other details are available in the following link…
HPPSC started recruitment for Naib tehsildar post. Apply form online application forms.