SIHM Indore Recruitment 2012 – Lecturer, Asst Lecturer Vacancies: State Institute of Hotel Management, Indore has issued notification against recruitment of 04 Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 20-11-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, and how to apply are given below…
SIHM Indore Vacancy Details:
Total No of Vacancies: 04
Names of Posts:
1. Lecturer: 02 posts
2. Assistant Lecturer: 02 posts
Total No of Vacancies: 04
Names of Posts:
1. Lecturer: 02 posts
2. Assistant Lecturer: 02 posts
Age Limit: Candidate age must be between 25 to 35 years for Lecturer post and 22 to 30 years for Assistant Lecturer post as on 01-11-2012. (Age relaxations will be extended as per rules).
Educational Qualification: Candidate must possess Degree / Three year diploma in Hotel Mgt from an Institute affiliated to National Council for Hotel Mgt/State Board of Technical Education/Recognized University, must have secured at least 55% marks in degree/diploma in Hotel Management for Lecturer post and Degree/3 year diploma in Hotel Mgt from an Institute affiliated to National Council for Hotel Mgt/State Board of Technical Education/Recognized University with minimum of 55% aggregate marks in Degree/Diploma in Hotel Management for Asst Lecturer post.
How to Apply: Candidates need to download application format available in the notification, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it along attested copies from gazetted officer to the following address “To The Managing Director, MP State Tourism Development Corporation, Ltd., Paryatan Bhavan, Bhadbahada Road, Bhopal on or before 20-11-2012.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 20-11-2012
For more details like vacancy distribution, pay scale, reservations, other requirements, other instructions and application format, click on the links given below…
Good Vacancy ..One shaould go for it.